Radiant Love

“O Mary bright dawn of the  new world, Mother  of the living, to  you do we entrust  the cause of life:  

Look down, O  Mother, upon the  vast numbers of  babies not allowed  to be born, of the  poor whose lives  are made difficult,  of men and women  who are victims  of brutal violence,  of the elderly and  the sick killed by  indifference or out  of misguided mercy.  Grant that all who  believe in your Son may proclaim the  Gospel of life with honesty and love to  the people of our time. Obtain for them  the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift  ever new, the joy of celebrating it with  gratitude throughout their lives and the  courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in  order to build, together with all people  of good will, the civilization of truth and  love, to the praise and glory of God, the  Creator and lover of life. ” St. John Paul II


With all the craziness in the world, it is always helpful for me to come back to the basics of love and truth to find equilibrium and peace. That is where our  beautiful Catholic faith and family, both  my immediate family and parish family  (that’s you!), comes in to ground me. It is  our duty and privilege to radiate that love  back to the world. 

To distill that down, I absolutely love my  immediate family with all my heart and  soul. My ultimate goal is to get them to heaven. I do my best to pass on the faith  with little “wisdom nuggets” and share my  love for the faith with my wife and children. I hope the same seeds my grandparents planted in me are planted within my  family. They sometimes think I’m crazy,  but the reality is, the highlight of my  week is Sunday Mass with my family! 

I also love my extended family and do my best to set a positive example and gently  inform them about the importance of  my faith and how much it means to me. This will many times include something  simple, like sharing everyday experiences  of things that help me as I grow and try  to reach my full potential on my faith  journey. 

Finally, I absolutely love my Saint Francis Borgia family. I felt God calling me to  relocate closer to my parents about six  years ago when we moved to Cedarburg  from the Madison area. I had no idea  what a wonderful gift was waiting for me at St. Francis Borgia Catholic Parish! This parish family is such a  blessing and offers so many wonderful  activities in addition to Mass, such as  bible studies, support groups, a top-notch  school, and so much more. I also have to  say that we are so fortunate to have Father  Patrick as our spiritual leader. He has  inspired and motivated me to be a better  Catholic and his wisdom is well beyond  his years. 

Our parish family is extremely special and  it is each one of you, the laity, that creates  this amazing environment for us to flour ish as a faith community and radiate that love to the greater Cedarburg community,  our work, our immediate family and other people we come into contact with.  

We are all busy and it can be challenging to find the time and energy to get  involved, but I promise you that what you  receive in return will be a multiple of what  you contribute. More importantly, we  must be active within St. Francis Borgia for this parish  to be healthy and vibrant. Personally, I  feel I could and should do more to con tribute and give back. Currently, I’m  currently involved with the Knights of Columbus (although I only go to a few meetings per year) and a Men’s Prayer  Group. I love both groups and hope to  find more time this year to contribute. 

So take the time to get involved, meet  new people, and help your family and  our SFB family grow in faith. Lead with radiant love! 


Written By: John Garey