I love going to Adoration. I didn’t always feel this way- at first sitting there in the church felt empty and boring. So I prayed for faith.
Slowly over time, all those things I have read over the years came together Eucharistic miracles, lives of Saints, readings about visitations from Jesus and Mary to normal, common people, people’s firsthand accounts of how Jesus took hold of lives and changed them for the better. You’ve surely read some of these accounts, too. I take considerable consolation from hearing about these events in history. They remind me that Jesus truly wants to know each of us personally. Each and every single one of us matter so much to Him. Deeply realizing that Jesus, the God of the Universe, wants to get to know ME, Carla, personally- my deepest thoughts and desires, my hurts and my fears, my random, everyday issues and failures- is mind-blowing.
When I began to glimpse how much He loves me and how much I matter to Him, I knew I had to take more time to go “face to face” with Him in Adoration. And if He’s going to sit there patiently waiting for me to visit, then I can really unload my heart to Him.
Jesus Loves You
Not only does Jesus love me and even like me, he promised me (and you!) a few things. Jesus promised that I can trust Him. He promised to strengthen me when I am weak. He said He has plans for my life– plans for hope and a future! He said He will be with me when troubles come. He promised that He will be merciful when I fail again.
He did not promise to make life easy, but He did promise to bring good out of even the worst situations. I believe that He does this. When I’m hurting, upset, facing a thorny issue – I know that I can go to Him to sort this out for me, comfort me, or eventually reveal to me what these plans for hope and a future look like.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve prayed about something fervently and truly released it to His care, He has come through for me. He has never let me down, not once.
I will continue to look for Him face to face and beg for whatever it is that is on my heart. And I will continue to look for Him to say thank you – thank you for not forgetting about me, thank you for loving me and wanting to know me.
I know that He is waiting to hear from me in Adoration. He’s waiting to hear from you, too.
Written by: Carla Schreiner