May, the Month of Mary

In the month of May, as we prepare to celebrate mothers for their dedication and importance to our families,  we also should honor and praise Mary,  the Mother of God, and the Queen of  all Saints, in a special way for,

“If you seek Mary, you will find Jesus.” ~St.  Josemaria Escriva 

Mothers love details of affection from her children; we look forward to the excitement and joy of our children  generously and freely giving of them selves. Whether it’s a homemade card or a handcrafted vase filled with our  tulips from the backyard, we delight in  the affectionate details of their special love for us as their mothers. In a special way, the Catholic faith provides Our Mother Mary as a sign of God’s special love. Mary tells us about His  warmth and security. Think… how does a normal son or daughter treat his mother?… In our relationship with  Our Mother in Heaven, we should  act very much the same way. She is a Mother who anticipates our requests,  knowing our needs, she quickly comes  to our aid. Devotion to Mary helps us to see that in order to approach God,  we must become little like a child. We  can make Our Mother Mary happy  with and like our children, by offering her flowers not only real ones, but also  spiritual flowers of devoted love, kindness, gentleness, meekness and humility  in the little things of each day.

Three simple spiritual flowers or ways you can honor Mary: 

  • A loving glance at a statue or image  of Mary with a short prayer like “Mary  I love you, help me to love Jesus more” or from St. Teresa of Calcutta “Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a Mother to me now.”  
  • A Mary Altar or special place in  your home to honor Our Lady. It can be as simple as a framed picture of  Mary with a Rosary placed there. Have your children place a flower there and pray a “ Hail Mary” together.
  • Pray the Rosary! It only takes a  few minutes to recite the entire Rosary  and on a beautiful day go outside and go for a Rosary walk!  

Written by: Terrie Stangl

May 1, 2021